| Play Now! Title: Elysium Release Year: (2013) Genre: Action | Drama | Sci-Fi In Cinema: 9 August 2013
Description: Set in the year 2154, where the very wealthy live on a man-made space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth, a man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the polarized worlds.
Director: Neill Blomkamp Writer: Neill Blomkamp (screenplay) Stars: Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Alice Braga Related Names: Pauline Egan, Matt Damon, Yolanda Abbud L., Alex Peraza, Adrian Holmes, Sharlto Copley, Philip Ivey, Brandon Auret, Jorge Sulser, Maxwell Perry Cotton, Derek Gilroy, Talisa Soto, Ryan Amon, Wagner Moura, Catherine Lough Haggquist, Sean O. Roberts,
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