Play Now! Title: Getaway Release Year: (2013) Genres: Action | Crime In Cinema: 30 August 2013
Description: Brent Magna must get behind the wheel and follow the orders of a mysterious man to save his kidnapped wife.
Directors: Courtney Solomon, Yaron Levy Writers: Sean Finegan, Gregg Maxwell Parker Stars: Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight Related Names: Ivailo Geraskov, Teodor Tzolov, Danko Jordanov, Dejan Angelov, Nate Jones, Michelle Jones, Maria Bobeva, Courtney Solomon, Georgi Dimitrov, Bruce Payne, Kiril Todorov, Kaloian Vodenicharov, Gabe Lustman, Ivailo Dimitrov,