Title: Ocean's Eleven Original title: Ocean's Eleven
Year: 2001 Country: United States Slogan: "Place your bets"
Director: Steven Soderbergh Screenplay: George Clayton Johnson, Jack Golden Russell, Harry Brown Producer: Bruce Berman, Susan Ekins, John Hardy Operator: Steven Soderbergh Composer: David Holmes Artist: Philip Messina, Jeffrey Kerland, Keith P. Cunningham Editing: Stephen Mirrion Starring: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Bernie Mac, Elliott Gould, Casey Affleck, Scott Caan, Andy Garcia, Julia Roberts, Don Cheadle Overlapping roles: Vladimir Vikhrov, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Boris Shuvalov, Yuri Brezhnev, Aleksandr Kljukvin
Genre: Action, Crime Time: 116 min.
Description: After his release from prison Danny Ocean thief does not pass, and 24 hours, and already he is planning to organize the most complex the casino heist in history. He wants to steal 150 million U.S. dollars from three of the most successful casino in Las Vegas.
All of these casinos owned by the elegant and at the same time cruel errand, Terry Benedict, who only dreams of how to meet with ex-wife, Danny Ocean - Tess. Maybe it's just a coincidence? Or maybe it is an occasion?
For just one night Danny picks a team of eleven "experts" that can make this audacious theft. The team are top-notch cards Ocean Schuler, a skillful young hustler and a great destroyer.
To make this crazy and complex robbery Ocean would have to risk their lives, but it is almost impossible plan may still be able to ..