Title: The Truth Runing Time: 106 min Genre: Action | Thriller In Cinema: 4 January 2013 Film Rating: R Description: A former CIA operative turned political talk show host is hired by a corporate whistle blower to expose her company's cover-up of a massacre in a South American village.
Director: Damian Lee Writer: Damian Lee Stars: Millie Davis, Gary Howsam, Kim Coates, Steven Bauer, Arcadia Kendal, Peter DaCunha, Bill Marks, Eva Longoria, Danielle Baker, William Steinkamp, Elias Caamaño Perez, Anthony Cowley, Andy Garcia, Michael Vincent Dagostino, Lee Cochran, Chris Farquhar, Deborah Kara Unger, Jayson Stewart, Damian Lee, Claudette Lali, Forest Whitaker, Lara Daans, Devon Bostick, Jonathan Goldsmith, Kevin Durand, Bobby Shore, Solly Duran, Jim Calarco, Al Sapienza, Drew Davis