Play Now! Title: World War Z Release Year: (2013) Genre: Action | Drama | Horror In Cinema: 21 June 2013
Description: United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to destroy humanity itself.
Director: Marc Forster Writers: Max Brooks , Damon Lindelof Stars: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos and David Morse
Related Names: Julian Seager, Raun Carswell, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Dede Gardner, James Cotter, Mustafa Harris, Faruk Pruti, Marcus Sinclair, Aren Devlin, Katia Bokor, Nigel Phelps, Peteris Briedis, Katrina Vasilieva, Matthew Fox, Leroy Osei-Bonsu