Title: Reservation Road Run Time: 102 min Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller In Cinema: 15 November 2007 Release Year: 2007 Film Rating: R Description: On a warm September evening, college professor Ethan Learner, his wife Grace, and their daughter Emma are attending a recital. Their 10-year-old son Josh is playing cello - beautifully, as usual. His younger sister looks up to him, and his parents are proud of their son. On the way home, they all stop at a gas station on Reservation Road. There, in one terrible instant, he is taken from them forever. On a warm September evening, law associate Dwight Arno and his 11-year-old son Lucas are attending a baseball game...
Director: Terry George Writers: John Burnham Schwartz, Terry George Stars: Mark Ruffalo, Joaquin Phoenix, Gary Kohn, Nora Ferrari, Antoni Corone, Susan Powell, Eddie Alderson, John Slattery, Kevin Herbst, Mira Sorvino, Elle Fanning, Jennifer Connelly, Sean Curley, Cordell Clyde, Terry George, Samuel Ryan Finn