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Title: Any Day Now (2012) Genre: Drama In Cinema: 2012 Description: In the 1970s, a gay couple fights a biased legal system to keep custody of the abandoned mentally handicapped teenager that comes to live under their roof.
Director: Travis Fine Writers: Travis Fine, George Arthur Bloom Stars: Kirk Fox, Mark Roman, Ezra Buzzington, Kamala Lopez, Gregg Henry, Miracle Laurie, Donna W. Scott, Brian Formo, Anne O'Shea, Liam Finn, Jamie Anne Allman, Don Franklin, Randy Roberts, Kelli Williams, Alan Rachins, Doug Spearman, Clyde Kusatsu, Randy Thompson, Alan Cumming, Chris Mulkey, Travis Fine, Tom Cross, Louis Lombardi, Joe Howard, Mindy Sterling, Jeffrey Pierce, Rachel Morrison, Joey Newman, Kristine Fine, Elizabeth Garner, Frances Fisher, Michael Nouri, Chip Hourihan, George Arthur Bloom, Isaac Leyva, Garret Dillahunt, Edward James Gage
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