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Title: Saving Grace B. Jones Genre: Drama | Thriller In Cinema: 14 December 2012 Film Rating: R Description: In a 1950s-era Missouri town the life of a couple is thrown into chaos when the husband's sister is released from the local asylum and comes to live with the family.
Director: Connie Stevens Writers: Connie Stevens, Jeffry Elison Stars: Jeffry Elison, Malik Simmons, Mazey Aud, Connie Stevens, Nicholas J. Coleman, Audrey Wasilewski, Melinda Chilton, Joel Gretsch, Sherry Stephens, Ralph S. Singleton, Piper Laurie, Mark A. Stansberry, Karen Errington, Gregory James, Zedric Harris, Blake Berry, Peter Golub, Vincent Onofrio Monachino, Shawn I. Chevalier, Denis Maloney, Susan L. Fry, Liberty Smith, Cindy Sheltmire, Evie Thompson, Byron Thames, Gilberto Pinela, Carlos Antonio León, Michael Biehn, Rece Jones, Joe Hammerstone, Lindsey Trout, Aaron Levinson, Rylee Fansler, Scott Cordes, Clarinda Wong, Penelope Ann Miller, Erik A. Williams, Logan Alexander Moore, Nora Hennessy, Jennifer Blanc, Tricia Leigh Fisher, Andreas Xufuris, Robert Hummel, Scott Wilson, Tatum O'Neal, Craig J. Harris
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