Play Now! Title: Aftershock Release Year: (2012) Runing Time: 90 min Genre: Horror | Thriller In Cinema: 2013 Film Rating: R
Description: In Chile, a group of travelers who are in an underground nightclub when a massive earthquake hits quickly learn that reaching the surface is just the beginning of their nightmare.
Director: Nicolás López Writers: Eli Roth, Nicolás López Stars: Lorenza Izzo, Nicolás Martínez, Marcial Tagle, Nicolás López, Guillermo Amoedo, Matías López, Edgardo Bruna, Eli Roth, Ramón Llao, Miguel Asensio, Ariel Levy, Andrea Osvárt, Patricio Strahovsky, Paz Bascuñan, Dayana Amigo, Ignacia Allamand, Brian Oliver, Selena Gomez, Natasha Yarovenko, Gabriela Hernández