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Title: Silent Night Genre: Horror In Cinema: 30 November 2012 R Description: The police force of a remote Midwestern town search for a killer Santa Claus who is picking off citizens on Christmas Eve.
Director: Steven C. Miller Writer: Jayson Rothwell Stars: Cruise Brown, Kevin Riepl, Seth Flaum, Tom Anniko, Courtney-Jane White, Erik J. Berg, Laura Cartlidge, Joseph White, Aaron Hughes, Malcolm McDowell, Rick Skene, Jessica Cameron, Lisa Marie, Lane Styles, Steven C. Miller, Brendan Fehr, Andrew Cecon, Clayton T. Stewart, Raychell Ruff, Brian Richardson, Jaime King, Adriana O'Neil, Mike O'Brien, Richard Saperstein, Kelly Wolfman, Tony Hart, Keenan Lehmann, Donal Logue, John B. Lowe, Ellen Wong, Cortney Palm, Kathy McCoy, John G. Carbone, Phyllis Laing, Shara Kay, Brian Witten, Curtis Moore, Ali Tataryn, Jayson Rothwell, Doreen Brownstone
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