Play Now! Title: The Haunting of Helena Release Year: (2012) Original Title: Fairytale Run Time: 84 min Genre: Horror | Thriller In Cinema: 24 August 2012
Description: A single mother moves into a new house with her daughter. Soon after the young girl has her first baby tooth fall off, she begins to recount that she is having nocturnal visits by a tooth fairy. It seems the house has a sinister history.
Directors: Christian Bisceglia, Ascanio Malgarini Writer: Christian Bisceglia Stars: Harriet MacMasters-Green, Sabrina Jolie Perez, Jarreth J. Merz
Related Names: Susanna Cornacchia, Ascanio Malgarini, Matt Patresi, Angela Presepi, Jarreth J. Merz, Paolo Paoloni, Christina Onori, Marco Fattibene, Harriet MacMasters-Green, Sabrina Jolie Perez, Melania Maccaferri, Marco Basile, Massimiliano Carnevale, Lucrezia Tosi, Christian Bisceglia, Alessia Cannavale, Manuela Cacciamani, Michele Josia, Antonello Emidi, Alessandro Palazzi, Giuliano Montaldo, Alice Filippi